Fundamentals of Signs
12 Signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,
Sagitarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Fundamentals of Aries sign
Aries Rasi
“Red colored, large limbed, four-footed, valorous by night, dwelling in the east, a relative of kings, moving in rocky places, endowed with rajas, back rising and fiery is the Ram ruled by Mars.”
Brihat Parashara hora Sastra, 4- Rasi Characteristics, 6-7
Aries is a fire sign, cardinal sign ruled by Mars and it rules the 1th house. Symbol: Ram
Word associations: new business, new ventures, new beginnings, sports, exercise, physicality, independence, self-starting, pioneering, ambition, fighters, winners, leadership, cutthroat, confrontation, competitive, action, impulsive, assertive, forthright and direct, short bursts, passion, courage and daring, reckless, youthfulness, fast, freshness, excitability, accidents, burns and wastes resources, cuts and bruises.
fundamentals of Taurus sign
Taurus Rasi
“White, ruled by Venus, four-footed, long, night strong, southernly, village living, a merchant, earthly, rajas and back rising is the bull.”
Brihat Parashara hora Sastra, 4- Rasi Characteristics, 8
Taurus is an earth sign, fixed sign ruled by Venus and it rules the 2th house. Symbol: Bull
Word associations: commodities and resources, food, banking, stored wealth, capital accumulation, pillars of society, resourceful, understanding of the value of material life, matter, earth, natural, the bounty of the earth, hoarding, amassing, collecting, restorations, history, pastures, fields, forests, villages, wine, food, sweets, money, parfums, oils, aroma therapy, massage, beauty, luxury, sensitive -to looking good, -to smelling good, -to looking good, -to tasting good, -to touch, hedonistic, music and arts, sensual appearance, pretty faces, beautiful curves, endurance, patience, persistence, reliable, loyal , strong willed, stubborn, store and conserving energy, self-endulgent, lazy.
Fundamentals of gemini sign
Gemini Rasi
“Front rising, a pair of humans with mace and with lute, western, airy, two-footed, night strong, village roaming, Vata, normal limbed, grass colored is the pair ruled by mercury.”
Brihat Parashara hora Sastra, 4- Rasi Characteristics, 9-10
Gemini is an air sign, mutable sign ruled by Mercury and it rules the 3th house. Symbol: human pair, twins.
Word associations: marketing and sales, research and science, collecting information, information, media, telecommunications, product tester, words and logic, commercial activity, advertising, pr, journalism, alphabet, writing and reading, comedians, self-made wealth,
creating tools, excitability, it rules the mind and thinking processes, nervous tension, light and breezy, play and experimentation, inconsistency, changeability, social butterflies, playing tricks, curious, flexibility, like a curious toddler, connectors, gossip, exchanges, connectivity, making gestures, buzzy places, banter, imitators, youthful, appearance, jack of all trades.
Fundamentals of Cancer sign
Cancer Rasi
“Pale red, moving in water, a Brahmin, vigorous at night, many moving legs, a stout body, endowed with Sattva, watery and back rising is thought the Crab rasi ruled by the moon.”
Brihat Parashara hora Sastra, 4- Rasi Characteristics, 10-11
Cancer is a water sign, cardinal sign ruled by Moon and it rules the 4th house. Symbol: crab
Word associations: home, family life, parenting, schooling, nurturing, shelters, caretaking, nursing, emotional life, land, property, patriotic, marines, protecting the young, defenders of the vulnerable, old traditions, cultural and historical conservators, soft inside hard outside, loving, emotional strength, mother, connection, creative, womb, breast, growth, fertility, ebs and flows, rivers, cyclical, intuition, healing, moodiness, worriers.
Fundamentals of Leo Sign
Leo Rasi
“The lion, ruled by the sun, is Sattva, four-footed, a kshatriya, living in woods, front rising, large limbed, pale, eastern and vigorous during day.”
Brihat Parashara hora Sastra, 4- Rasi Characteristics, 12
Leo is a fire sign, fixed sign ruled by the Sun and it rules the 5th house. Symbol: Lion
Word associations: entertainment, politics, celebrities, performers, models, artists, royalty, kingship and rulership, speculators, capital cities, head of organizations, glamour, power and strength, charisma, creation and creativity, the bringer of consciousness, the magnetic center, consistency, dignity, pride, inspirational figures, visionaries, memorable, ambitious, generous, optimistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizement, pampered, intelligence, independent, protective of the weaker, independent, autonomous, pride, self-esteem, cultured, enthusiasm and exuberance, playing like a child, confidence.
Fundamentals of Virgo Sign
Virgo Rasi
“Living in mountains is the girl rasi, who, endowed with strength during day is front rising, medium limbed, two-footed, moving in the south with rain and fire, a vaishya, shiny colored, stormy, young, connected with tamas, existing in children and ruled by mercury.”
Brihat Parashara hora Sastra, 4- Rasi Characteristics, 13-14
Virgo is an earth sign, mutable sign ruled by Mercury and it rules the 6th house. Symbol: teenage girl/virgin.
Word associations: health, employment, debt, enemies, conflicts, healer, natural foods, service, problem-solving profession, social workers, administratative work, pets, the disenfranchised and lower social classes, practical usefulness, expert in details, fault finder, criticizers, great analytical skills, observing, perfectionists, specialists, logical argumentation, purity, simplicity, delays, self-doubt, worry, shy, modesty, humbleness.
Fundamentals of Libra Sign
Libra Rasi
“Front rising, the Balance Scale is rich in vigour during the day, dark (krisna), endowed with rajas, western, moving, on land, killing/destroying, a Sudra, medium bodied, two-footed and ruled by Venus.”
Brihat Parashara hora Sastra, 4- Rasi Characteristics, 15-16
Libra is an air sign, cardinal sign ruled by Venus and it rules the 7th house. Symbol: The scale
Word associations: refinement, beauty, art, fashion, design, elegance, aesthetics, symmetry, charming, classy, romantic, relationships, marriage, matchmakers, connectors, culture, conflict resolution, order, balance, law, justice, what goes around comes around, politics, diplomacy, peacekeeper, counseling, seeks alliances, dealmaker, trade, advising, balance & moderation, business, contracts, negotiation, bargaining, agreements.
Fundamentals of Scorpio Sign
Scorpio Rasi
“Small limbed, many footed, a Brahmin, in a hole, abiding in the north, rich in vigour during the day, tawny, exposed to water and land, bristles abounding and very sharp pointed is the Scorpion ruled by Mars.”
Brihat Parashara hora Sastra, 4- Rasi Characteristics, 16-17
Scorpio is a water sign, fixed sign ruled by Mars, co ruler pluto and it rules the 8th house. Symbol: Scorpion/Eagle/Holy spirit
Word associations: big money, big power, the phoenix, death and rebirth, extremes, crisis, intensity, trauma and recovery, the dark night of the soul, abused/abusee, survival, control, secret service, secret societies, deep research, secrets, astrology, the occult, wills, other people’s resources, insurance, major surgery, everything under the ground, oil & gas, sex, sexiness, charisma, seduction psychology, shamanism, healing, mysterious, taboos, probing for answers, deep motivations, knowing things others don’t know, predatory energies, transmutation, deep passsion, loyal and determined, mind control, influencing large masses of people, shrewdness and cunningness, resilience, deep feeling and emotions, determined, strategizing, forceful psychologically, fearlessness, power, kundalini, prana.
Fundamentals of Sagittarius Sign
Sagittarius Rasi
“Back rising is the bow owned by Jupiter, Sattvik, yellow, vigorous at night, fiery, a Kshatriya, two-footed at the beginning, four-footed at the end, regular limbed, bearing a bow, standing in the east, moving on the ground and made splendid by Brama.”
Brihat Parashara hora Sastra, 4- Rasi Characteristics, 17-19
Sagittarius is a fire sign, cardinal sign ruled by Jupiter and it rules the 9th house. Symbol: The Bow/Centaur
Word associations: the ruling priesthood, ruling through wisdom, development of humanity, the moral code that runs civilization, taking the animal side and turn it into humanistic,
joyful, optimistic, happy, go lucky, enthusiasm, higher wisdom, higher knowledge, meaning and purpose in life, hope and faith, high goals, high ideals, focus our energy toward a worthy goal, philanthropic, ideology, beliefs system, the truth, the bigger picture, teachers, missionaries, promotors, preachers, guardians, protectors, fatherly figures, guiding light, future oriented, foresee trends, lots of conviction.
Fundamentals of Capricorn Sign
Capricorn Rasi
“Ruled by Saturn, Tamasic, earthy, southern, vigorous at night, back rising, large limbed, variageted colored, moving in watery ground, four-footed at the beginning and without Feet at the end is imagined the water goer.”
Brihat Parashara hora Sastra, 4- Rasi Characteristics, 19-20
Capricorn is an earth sign, cardinal sign ruled by Saturn and it rules the 10th house. Symbol: Crocodile/Sea goat
Word associations: career security, pyramidal power, rules and regulations, social status, respect and reputation, ambition and big goals, large organization, structure, professionalism, practical and material goals, mastering matter result oriented, productivity, frugal, tried and tested, serious, hard work and perseverance, responsibilities and duties, on time, strict, follow the protocol, slow and gradual, self-doubts, step by step, cautious, discipline, no shortcuts, repetitions.
Fundamentals of Aquarius Sign
Aquarius Rasi
“Kumbha is a jar holding man, deep brown, color, medium bodied, two-footed, vigorous during day, standing in the middle of water, airy, front rising, Tamasic, a Sudra, abiding in the western region and Lorded by the son of the Sun.”
Brihat Parashara hora Sastra, 4- Rasi Characteristics, 21-22
Aquarius is a water sign, fixed sign ruled by Saturn, co-ruler Uranus and it rules the 11th house. Symbol: Pitcher/ Water Bearer
Word associations: progressive technologies, electricity, unique, eccentric, revolutionaries, overnight success, freedom, sudden jumps, visionaries, ahead of its time, a network, groups, society, complicated networks without center, lateral distributed systems instead of hierarchies, big ideals, science, systems of knowledge,
humanitarian causes, economics, mass movements, profit and earnings, social and material goals, crowds, wave technologies, telepathy, galactic downloads, sudden intuitions, equal rights, communities that help each other, loves humanity, abstract, intellectual, detached, non-conformity, psychological complexes, inadequacies, can be intellectually conceited.
Fundamentals of Pisces Sign
Pisces Rasi
“Two fish sticking to each other tail with face, the fish rasi is day strong, watery, richly endowed with sattva, self-abiding, moving in water, footless, medium bodied, standing in the north, rising both ways and ruled by Jupiter.”
Brihat Parashara hora Sastra, 4- Rasi Characteristics, 22-24
Pisces is a water sign, mutable sign ruled by Jupiter, co-ruler neptune and it rules the 12th house. Symbol: Fish, two fishes swimming in opposite directions.
Word associations: dream world, alcohol and drugs, the oceans, film and music ,industry, magic, fantasy worlds, subconscious, addictions and distractions, astral and causal worlds, invisible worlds, the universal truth, unity, divine love, losses, enlightenment, christ consciousness, transcendence psychic, intuitive, creative imagination, channels other worlds, hospital, prisons, foreign countries, mediums, healing, escapism, flakiness, chameleons, con artists, private, secretive, party people, impressionable, avoid responsibility, delusions, forgiving, empathy, compassion, charitable, the feet.
I would like to give credit to:
Credit goes to Astrologers Astrolada and Ernst Wilhelm for providing solid research on the Zodiac Signs or Rasis.